Defining the China market report

Annual analysis of the Chinese pulp & paper industry, based on primary research conducted over 20 years.

What's included in this report?

  • Macro-economic drivers - what is influencing paper demand, international comparisons.
  • Paper industry review - New China v Old China, official production statistics, customs data, apparent demand.
  • Demand forecasts - the outlook for paper & board, and fibre demand forecasts to 2025
  • Detailed sector analysis - Graphic paper, Tissue & specialties, Packaging, domestic pulp production (wood & non-wood) & recycled fibre collections, imported fibre demand (by region & grade)
  • Capacity expansions -broken down by grade and company
  • Company profiles

Defining the China market, February 2023

Feb 8, 2023, 09:13 AM
Detailed analysis of the Chinese pulp, paper and board industry
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Market research in China has typically been over-reliant on rudimentary assumptions regarding relationships between GDP per capita and paper consumption, without due consideration to the type of GDP growth (e.g. fixed asset investment rather than domestic consumption), nor to the massive inequalities which exist in China.

Official statistics of paper production and consumption in China are too general and out of date to be of practical use, and in many cases are contradictory and unreliable. Although the report incorporates all available published information this is augmented by extensive primary research throughout the year.

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China has been the single largest driver of global fibre markets over the past twenty years, yet the market remains popularly misunderstood
Tom Wright, Report Lead Author
Hawkins Wright

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