Papergrade pulp market report

Supply, demand, cost and price analysis of the international paper grade pulp market, with five year projections.

What's included in this report?

  • Historic market developments - a specific look at supply and demand by grade (NBSK, SBSK, and other softwood pulps, BEKP, birch and other hardwood grades, mechanical and unbleached pulps) and by region (North America, South America, West and East Europe, China, Japan, Other Asia and Africa).
  • Trade flows.
  • End-use markets for pulp - evaluating industry performance, including a capacity listing for the tissue and printing and writing sectors. This forms the basis of a shipment forecast for market pulp by grade and by region, with 5 year projections.
  • New pulp capacity - identifying planned investments, both confirmed and speculative, with 5 year projections. Capacity listing for every market pulp producing mill in the world.
  • Costs - quantifying the cash costs of market pulp production by grade, region/country and by sub-category: wood, chemicals, energy, labour, maintenance, other, logistics, marketing & sales.
  • Price forecasts - NBSK and BEKP prices, CIF China, CIF West Europe and Del.NA, with 5 year projections.
  • Challenge or query - ask questions and request clarifications on key findings. 
  • Latest Outlook for Market Pulp issue

    Following the recent announcement of U.S. import duties on goods from Mexico, Canada, and China, this report quantifies the impact on pulp, paper, and board trade volumes and examines the potential market implications.

    Special research note: preliminary thoughts on the US import duties


Additional report details

The Outlook for Market Pulp service was launched in 1984 and is recognised as the industry’s leading source of independent long-term supply, demand and price projections. Because our programme of research has continued without interruption for many years, Hawkins Wright has been able to develop an extensive bank of data, experience and contacts.

The Outlook service helps inform all participants across the international pulp industry's value chain; pulp producers, buyers, international agents and trading houses, state and provincial governments, NGOs, forest owners, suppliers of machinery, equipment, chemicals and related inputs, investors, financiers, institutions, logistics companies, and other stakeholders.

Why choose Hawkins Wright?

We provide strategic, forecasting, marketing intelligence and business information services to the international forest products and bioenergy industries 

  • Independant and unbiased - we do not manufacture, trade or broker and forest products so are able to offer wholly-unbiased opinion
  • Decades of experience - With a sector knowledge base since 1982
  • Industry dialogue - we regularly talk to a global network of industry figures
  • Personal approach - much more than providing market data, we can adapt to your changing needs, offering calls and face-to-face meetings
Our Outlook service is the definitive guide to the future of the international market pulp industry, and is supported by companies who control more than 90% of the world's pulp capacity.
Oliver Lansdell, Report Lead Author
Hawkins Wright

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