Wood pellet market report 

This quarterly report provides detailed expert analysis of the global wood pellet markets, analysing demand, supply, trade, costs and prices.

What's included in this report?

  • Global trends - our experts distil the latest global trends in the economy, coal, oil, gas and carbon.  
  • Policy and regulations - subsidies and policy drivers affecting wood pellet demand across all sectord (residential/commercial heat, power, CHP, district heating, industry).
  • Key statistics -  comprehensive wood pellet mill listings and a detailed breakdown of industrial demand by end-user. In easy-to-use Excel format.  
  • Costs and price analysis - detailed breakdown of pellet production costs, a global industry cost curve, the latest pellet prices, and a ten-year price forecast. 
  • Quarterly webinars - a digestible summary of the latest market developments with Q&A. Recorded for your ease of reference. 
  • Challenge or query - ask questions and request clarifications on key findings. 
  • Latest Outlook for Wood Pellets issue

    This is the forty first report in Hawkins Wright’s quarterly Outlook for Wood Pellets service, analysing the Q3 2024 period

    Outlook for Wood Pellets - Q3 2024


Additional report details

The Outlook for Wood Pellets service provides an in-depth view of the global wood pellet markets, analysing demand, supply, costs and prices. This quarterly multi-client report covers trends in both industrial and heating pellet markets and provides ten-year demand and price forecasts.

The structures of the principal markets - large-scale industrial power and small-scale heating, as well as the growing commercial-scale heating sector - are largely different. The industrial power markets are dominated by a few large players, while the heating markets are highly seasonal and fragmented across various regions with hundreds of thousands of individual consumers. The Outlook for Wood Pellets addresses the differences and overlap between the various pellet markets, identifying areas of growth and opportunity for both existing stakeholders and new players.

The key data included in the Outlook for Wood Pellets provide subscribers with unique market insights, and are refreshed on a quarterly basis. Select data is available in excel format.

  • Industrial (power/CHP) pellet demand and ten-year forecast
  • Heating pellet demand and ten-year forecast
  • Global wood pellet production capacity and mill database 
  • Historical global wood pellet production figures
  • Global wood pellet trade statistics
  • Industrial wood pellet prices and ten-year forecast
  • Heating wood pellet prices and ten-year forecast
  • Industrial wood pellet manufacturing costs
  • Wood pellet paying capability of UK power generators
  • Exchange rate trends
  • Fossil, carbon and power price trends
  • Power generation economics for pellets, coal, gas
  • Heating degree data
  • Pulpwood stumpage price data
  • Wood fibre availability data

Why choose Hawkins Wright?

We provide strategic, forecasting, marketing intelligence and business information services to the international forest products and bioenergy industries 

  • Independent and unbiased - we do not manufacture, trade or broker and forest products so are able to offer wholly-unbiased opinion
  • Decades of experience - With a sector knowledge base since 1982
  • Industry dialogue - we regularly talk to a global network of industry figures
  • Personal approach - Much more than providing market data, we can adapt to your changing needs, offering calls and face-to-face meetings
We constantly monitor the latest pellet developments, to provide you with up-to-date market intelligence and forecasts. 
Fiona Matthews, Report Lead Author
Hawkins Wright

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